Doug Ford’s Halloween message went over about as well as his cheesecake video

Doug Ford's Halloween message went over about as well as his cheesecake video

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has made it clear that he is far from the most PR-savvy politician, and while he continues to try to connect with his constituents through social media – be it through strange videos posted for Fast -Food chains advertise, or through his own unique slang – it almost always ends with him being completely annoyed.

This week, it’s Ford’s Halloween message to the public that isn’t going over well, although it hasn’t quite reached the levels of backlash (yet).

In an attempt to be fun-loving and spread the spirit of the season, the leader posted a two-minute clip in which he ponders which Halloween candy is the best because, as he says with a joke about his own weight, “I” “I am an expert.”

In front of festive decorations, Dougie stands in front of various treats, which he tries one by one before making his final decision (spoiler alert: Coffee Crisp wins).

Happy Halloween Ontario 🎃!

This year we had a little “battle” to see which Halloween candy came out on top. I hope you enjoy this video and try it with your families.

I wish you a safe and enjoyable Halloween. If you drive this evening, please be extra careful ⚠️.

— Doug Ford (@fordnation) October 31, 2023

At the end of the video, he reminds residents to have a great Halloween and to be extra careful on the streets and to make sure all Halloween candy is inspected before consumption – a sweet and valid message, but one that, given all the circumstances, cannot be considered The scandal surrounding the Prime Minister was interpreted in this way.

Some of the more recent responses from the 700-plus people the tweet received in one day include: “Are you going to hand out plots to trick-or-treaters?” and “Can we get one of you to look for bribes – I mean.” Apples?”

His favorite Halloween trick is secretly accepting bribes from developers. I’m just saying it. #onpoli

— Always Blunt Canadian (@blunt_always) October 31, 2023

Others chimed in with comments about the current cost of living crisis, which is preventing people from enjoying Halloween this year as they normally would, and also about Ford’s “folsky” personality, which can be described as a “tiring” person. designated.

Then there were those who wondered whether Ford had gained anything with his mentions of Cadbury and Nestle – both “made here in Ontario,” as he says in the video – and who jokingly expressed shock that he was after his many mentions of Tim Hortons made no mention of videos that have promoted the cafe chain in the past.

Sounds right. No loyalty and turns around when the next shiny thing catches his eye. I’m surprised there wasn’t a Tim Hortons plug in there too.

– S (@sharinglung5) October 31, 2023

Amid calls for Ford to resign, responses also made comments about the other important matters he should take care of.

Criticisms include comments on the RCMP’s investigation into its attempt to sell parts of the protected green belt to developers – developers who received MZOs to fast-track their projects after attending a Ford family wedding, like this week got known.

Unfortunately for Ford, given everything that’s come to light in recent weeks about his administration’s decisions, whether he chooses to stay away from social media and press conferences or stay involved like he did yesterday, he’s going to be upset en masse .