Here’s the date High Park cherry blossoms might reach full bloom in 2024

Here's the date High Park cherry blossoms might reach full bloom in 2024

High Park's cherry blossoms are on track to bloom in 2024, says Sakura Watch's latest update.

While cold temperatures in late March slightly slowed the progress of the annual bloom, it appears a cool first week of April did not have the same effect as bloom has already advanced into the third phase.

In Phase 3, the now green buds begin to swell and flowers become visible before reaching their largest size in Phase 4, which Sakura Steve says will also occur in the next few weeks.

This also means that flowering is imminent and stage 5 is marked with the development of pink flowers and full flowering follows shortly afterwards.

The latest update from Sakura Steve suggests that Toronto can expect buds to open between April 18th and 24th, with full bloom occurring a few days later, as long as temperatures remain stable and warm.

As it stands, it currently looks like you can expect High Park's cherry blossoms to be in full bloom last year, barring a sharp drop in temperature or a resurgence of winter (which, given the bizarre weather patterns seems entirely possible in Toronto this year). week in April.