Black Designer’s Visit to a Museum Inspired Her to Launch Original Shawl Collection

Black Designer’s Visit to a Museum Inspired Her to Launch Original Shawl Collection

When New York designer Dr. Tenaria Drummond-Smith Little did she know when she visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC that she would be inspired to launch her own scarf collection.

But that’s exactly what happened when she saw a display of an original scarf worn by Harriet Tubman in 1911. She says that after being inspired by it, she prayed to design her own line of shawls without using any patterns. She calls it SWAG SHAWL.

Harriet Tubman’s shawl at the museum had square designs made from materials such as silk, lace and linen, which she wore by folding them in half and draping them over her shoulders. the more dr However, as Drummond-Smith crocheted, their design took on a circular shape that had incredible properties. For example, when worn, it moves elegantly from side to side.

Another feature is that the SWAG SHAWL can be preserved for a lifetime and is unique, one of a kind and classic.
Each stitch is strategically handcrafted and available in a variety of colors. One of the scarves she designed for a client is a bright yellow scarf with a blue and orange border and when the client received it he said, “I’ll be wearing my SWAG SHAWL all over the world.”

Another of her select SWAG SHAWL designs is now on display at the Harriet Tubman Museum and Educational Center in Cambridge, Maryland.

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