Federal government gives $11 million grant to Pulse Canada

Federal government gives $11 million grant to Pulse Canada

Officials said Pulse Canada funding will go toward reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and disease risks, sequestering more carbon and increasing agricultural profits. (Photo 253350976 © Ramon Cliff | Dreamstime.com)

From Curtis Galbraith

February 12, 2024 | 3:57 p.m

OTTAWA, ON – The federal government is providing more than $11 million to Pulse Canada for research.

Pulse Canada is the national association representing growers, traders and processors of Canadian pulses (dry peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas).

Officials said the $11,017,979 in funding will go toward reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and disease risks, sequestering more carbon and increasing agricultural profits.

A government press release also discussed the government's expected results. This includes developing new management practices that reduce the use of fertilizers and fungicides, as well as developing new varieties.