Investors may want to return to the basics when it comes to navigating the volatility of the stock market markets.
According to Alex Morris, CEO of F/M investments, you should consider increasing your exposure to bonds.
“Especially at the short end of the curve … there is a lot of safe harbor,” said Morris this week on CNBCS “ETF Edge”. “If you look at where the equity market is going, you didn't like it a few weeks ago – there are still some banana shells in front of us.”
His comments came from the website of the future conference of Miami, at which financial advisors and managers of assets swap and discussed technology, including the use of generative artificial intelligence.
Morris' company offers investors access to “innovative” strategies that, according to the F/M Investments website, include mitigating risks.
Morris, who is also the Chief Investment Officer of the company, sees the economic background and the tariff having another reason to buy bonds.
“If [DC] The politics stays where it is, the short end of the curve will be a great place, “added Morris.
The managing director of TCW, Jeffrey Katz, who also participated in the conference, is currently also seeing benefits in a fixed income. “Bindings act as in the context of a 60/40 portfolio,” he said “Etf Edge”.
Katz 'company stands behind the TCW Flexible Income ETF, which has been around since November 2018.
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TCW flexible Income ETF performance
On February 28th, facts that included the top stocks of the stock market fund of the stock market exchanges, which gave over 4%. Morningstar with four stars is also evaluated.