Voluntary face-to-face courses in January: SEP

Voluntary face-to-face classes in January: SEP

Chiapas, Campeche and Veracruz, which have a green light today, will have to start classroom teaching from January 2021 by decision of their local authorities.

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December 8, 2020 4 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors can occur due to this process.

The head of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, announced this Tuesday that the States that glow amber can return to personal activities in schools in January 2021 by the Community Centers of Learning (CCA) .

During the fifty-first ordinary plenary session of the National Council of Education Authorities (CONAEDU), Moctezuma Barragán reiterated that these centers are not regular school reopenings and are set up on a voluntary basis, which guarantees a gradual and safe return of girls, children, youth and youth in the school.

He added that mothers, fathers or legal guardians would be asked to attend the students Write a reply letter in which you explain that it is your own responsibility to have an interest in participating .

Moctezuma Barragán commented that the states of Chiapas, Campeche and Veracruz, who are at a green light, should start classroom teaching as early as January 2021 , at the decision of their local authorities, compulsorily according to the nine measures of the health and education authorities of the federal government.

Moctezuma Barragán assured that the return will alleviate the socio-emotional problems of some students due to preventive isolation.

For this reason, the head of the SEP presented the CCA project, which was designed together with the health sector on the basis of Article 14 of the Law on General Education, as it is important to find alternatives for educational, psychological support and counseling as well as for Developing social aspects for the students and even for the teachers, he pointed out.

Head of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), Esteban Moctezuma Barragán / Image: Courtesy of SEP

He pointed out that the school management can set up a community learning center if the school community defines and adheres to the following aspects by consensus in order to strengthen and promote the educational process:

I. Days against school backwardness;
II. Pedagogical advice;
III. Psycho-emotional support;
IV. Cleaning and hygiene measures in the educational establishment;
V. Counseling Books;
SAW. Delivery of free textbooks and teaching materials;
VII. School procedures;
VIII. Use of devices and services (computer, internet, printer, television, etc.);
IX. Use of school infrastructure (auditoriums, sports fields);
X. Construction and maintenance measures;
XI. Meetings of the collegiate bodies of the education campus.
XII. Those set by the school health committee with prior approval from the state education authority.

Additionally, he said the Community Learning Center will cease operations if a case of the SARSCoV2 virus (COVID-19) is reported.

45-minute sessions take place in the Community Learning Centers. And the following measures are followed:

I.- Use the school filter
II.- Healthy distance (2 meters between chairs, tables, benches, etc.).
III.- using a mouth cover or handkerchief over the nose and mouth;
IV.- Tiered support;
V. – 40% daily limit of the school population.
VI.- Set a maximum number of students and teachers in each classroom.
VII.- prioritization of the use of open spaces;
VIII.- Permanently clean furniture and equipment after each lesson.
IX.- Avoid attending the CCA meetings if you suspect symptoms of COVID-19, among other things.

The above, he explained, are guidelines agreed with the Ministry of Health.