Superstar Coach Marshawn Evans Daniels on Why One Should Consider Larger to Go To The Subsequent Degree in Enterprise

Marshawn Evans Daniels

Marshawn Evans Daniels is the boss in every way. She is a first-generation reinvention strategist and millionaire helping women around the world live braver. As a serial entrepreneur, TV personality, creator of the Godfidence® movement and founder of SHE Profits®, she helps women turn ideas into income and belief into action. A former Miss America finalist, professional sports attorney and competitor with The Apprentice, she is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and admitted to the Supreme Court. She is the author of the bestseller 100 Days of Believing Bigger. Marshawn is passionate about purpose, manifestation, motherhood, entrepreneurship, and traveling the world with her husband Jack. Talking to Marshawn was pure joy. We had the opportunity to sit down with this new mother of triplets. And boy was it fascinating!

BE: Why do you believe on the order that you believe for others?

Marshawn: I think the most doubted people always believe the most. I remember when I was in sixth grade and raised my hand to ask a question. I remember she made me feel like I was stupid for asking the question. It felt disappointing. I am 11 years old. I remember telling myself that one day I would become a teacher and no one in my classroom would ever feel like they were incompetent, or not smart, or not important. You will feel like you can do anything. I did not become a teacher per se, but I am a mentor, I guide, I teach. I feel like a catalyst to open up new opportunities. But these possibilities are usually belief-based. What do you think is possible for you and your life? How have your beliefs held you back about wealth, health, family, and marriage? Your faith is the bridge to your promised land. The places we end up in are usually the by-product of the beliefs we have about where we are good enough to be. It’s not that I shaped my life when I was 11, but I have vivid memories of that moment. Purpose is part of your DNA. Of course, when you fulfill your purpose, your DNA, you invite others to do the same. I believe (when I was 11) when Heaven whispered in my ear and told me that I would teach people how to believe BIGGER.

Why is it so important to you that women are entrepreneurs? Why is this an area that you strive for so hard?

Marshawn: There is a conscious version and then there is the intrinsic version. It’s just how you’re wired sometimes. It goes back to what we just talked about. I don’t have to try to get people to make more money. That happens when there are people around me. This can be a way forward for people who do not understand the humility of owning your gift. it can sound arrogant. But it is not. I had to realize that this was always the effect. When people connect with their gift, it can be for the better for them. When people are around they believe they are bigger, they start businesses. I’ve written my book Believe bigger. It’s not a ledger, it’s about finding purpose and overcoming infidelity.

The intent part is, I enjoy watching people thrive; especially believers who believe it is not divine. I believe that all women are gifted with the gift of wealth.

Let’s talk a little about what you are doing to educate women about the ecommerce business.

Marshawn: I worked behind the scenes helping women get started in e-commerce. There are several reasons I thought this was important this season. As a coach, writer, and speaker, I’ve helped others step into this space to become world-class writers and speakers. I have built one of the largest coaching companies for women of faith in the country. And when I make millions of dollars in this area, I also realize that not everyone can afford to work with a trainer who costs $ 15,000 to $ 50,000. I wanted to give every woman the opportunity to become an entrepreneur. Every woman deserves the opportunity to experience wealth. E-commerce grew 10 years in three months. That’s why I created this space.

Dr. Jessica Mosley is a serial entrepreneur who loves teaching other women CEOs how to show themselves in their truth and power. As the steward owner of the MizCEO Entrepreneurial Media brand, Sovereign Care Home Care, Sovereign Care Medical Training Center, and Deborahs Place for Battered Women, Jessica is busy taking action that will affect her community and those around her .