Adobe Report Highlights Work-Life Balance and AI Adoption Among Entrepreneurs

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Adobe has published his report on the Work-Life Balance 2025 and gives insights into the administration of solo preneaors and small entrepreneurs with their professional and personal life. The report based on a survey of 1,018 entrepreneurs examines the challenges and advantages of entrepreneurship, work habits and the increasing role of AI in business.

The report shows that almost three out of five entrepreneurs experience a better work-life balance than in traditional employment. However, many still have difficulty separating from work, which is only 11 days a year without national holidays. Among the respondents to Z -entrepreneurs, the average number of free days is slightly higher at 13.

In addition, 82 percent of the entrepreneurs stated that they had lost sleep due to concerns due to work, with financial concerns being the most common cause. More than one of ten baby boomers named technological changes as the source of insomnia, while almost everyone said four millions of millions that family -related concerns kept awake at night.

A growing number of entrepreneurs turns to AI tools to optimize their workflows and improve efficiency. According to the report, almost two out of five surveyed entrepreneurs want to save time in 2025 by accepting new AI-driven solutions. On average, entrepreneurs indicate to save six hours a week – sufficient to 310 hours a year by using AI tools.

In addition to the most important priorities for the introduction of AI in 2025, the respondents cited the generation and sales identification of leads (53 percent), the automation of accounting tasks (53 percent) and the tightening of data entry and processing (51 percent). It was found that SoloPreneurs AI use 17 percent more often than small business owners.

The report states that more than one of five small business owners works more than 50 hours a week compared to 28 percent of the solo prices. Late night work is common, and solopreneure work average nine times a month after 10 p.m., while small business owners do this seven times a month.

Despite these extended hours, many entrepreneurs say that flexible work plans enable them to spend more hours of day with their families. However, the continuing requirements of the business owner still influence the total amount of work and service life.

Almost half of the entrepreneurs surveyed stated that financial independence was a main reason for the start of their company, and 79 percent stated to achieve this goal. In addition, 33 percent of solo preneers founded their companies to enable more travel options. 67 percent successfully met this ambition. The thousand -year -old respondents particularly focused on spending more time with the family, with 79 percent success in this endeavor.

When asked how they would use another 10 hours a week, Z and Gen X entrepreneurs said that they would devote more time to relatives, while Millennial's interest in hobbies would be expressed. Baby Boomer stated that they would invest additional time in their health and well -being.

Image: Adobe