Beginning in 2021, by regulation employers should present ergonomic gear to residence workplace staff

Starting in 2021, by law employers must provide ergonomic equipment to home office workers

Because of the limitation, few people have adequate furniture to do their jobs. The chair is an important element.

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February 12, 2021 3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors can occur due to this process.

On January 11th, the reform that regulates teleworking came into force. Article 311 states that the boss must provide computer equipment necessary to perform the work, maintenance, ergonomic chairs and printers to employees who work at home in the office.

This benefits the employer as well, as savings of between three and six dollars are made for every dollar invested in employee safety, according to the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety. In other words, the fewer musculoskeletal health incidents related to employee “work”, the greater the savings for companies.

Arturo Mota, regional sales director for Herman Miller Mexico, notes that the term ergonomics probably wasn’t more relevant than it was these days when they had to work from home overnight due to the pandemic. “The time we Sitting is about 40 hours a week . In this way, maintaining good posture through various tools is a commitment and support that leads to an increase in productivity. Have a ergonomic chair Another piece of work equipment guarantees between 15% and 20% more productivity, reduces distractions and ensures the provision physical and mental benefits . “”

In addition to the reform of the Ministry of Interior, there is also the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) 035 that aims to do this identify, analyze and prevent psychosocial risk factors as well as promoting a favorable organizational environment in the workplace.

The problem of posture at work is relevant; Because of the limitation, few people have adequate furniture to do their jobs. The chair is an important element.

“Office chairs should be viewed as one today more work tools With this in mind, their performance is related to the benefits that each company establishes for its employees. We know this is a big step in providing occupational health care for employees who do their work from home. Ideally, desks and monitor stands are also included in the services, ”says Arturo Mota.

One of the key factors in ensuring compliance with labor reform is the investments companies need to make to facilitate the inputs labeled therein Article 311 . With that in mind, Herman Miller has commercial partners to come up with a furniture leasing plan to avoid de-capitalizing the businesses.

Mota states that, on average, companies could spend 20,000 to 30,000 pesos per employee Investing in high-quality furniture, however, means savings for companies in the medium and long term. These factors have a positive effect on the productivity and health of employees and reduce the costs of health and disability insurance.