Canada and British Columbia invest in new wastewater treatment facility to protect Cultus Lake

Canada and British Columbia invest in new wastewater treatment facility to protect Cultus Lake

From the Government of Canada: -cultus-lake.html

Today the Honorable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister for International Development and Minister in Charge of the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, and Kelli Paddon, Member of the Chilliwack-Kent Legislative Assembly, speak on behalf of the Honorable Nathan Cullen, Minister of Municipal Der for British Columbia’s Minister for Immigration and Affairs announced joint funding of more than $9.9 million for a new wastewater treatment plant to protect the health of Cultus Lake in the Fraser Valley Regional Unit.

The funding will support the construction of a new facility to improve collection and provide secondary treatment of wastewater, manage sediment and remove nutrients such as nitrogen to control algal growth and protect aquatic habitats. Associated infrastructure installations will include piping and rapid infiltration basins and will address odor control. Soowahlie First Nations will also benefit from the installation of a pressurized sewer line that will service the country.

Upon completion, the facility will improve water quality for the local community, increase wastewater capacity, and protect the health of residents and the lake’s ecosystem for years to come.

By investing in infrastructure, the Canadian government is strengthening our country’s economy, increasing the resilience of our communities and improving the lives of Canadians.


“Investing in wastewater infrastructure keeps our communities healthy, preserves delicate ecosystems, and protects our lakes and rivers for future generations. Our government is proud to invest more than $5.4 million to keep Cultus Lake clean and ensure surrounding communities and recreational users can enjoy its use. We will continue to work with our partners to implement projects that improve wastewater management, increase treatment reliability, and support community development and growth.”

The Honorable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister for International Development and Minister in Charge for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada, on behalf of the Honorable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities

“Cultus Lake is a gem of the Fraser Valley for residents and tourists alike. By supporting basic infrastructure, our government improves the environment, relieves local government, and provides services that residents expect. I am excited about local, federal and provincial governments working together to protect Cultus Lake.”

Kelli Paddon, Member of the Chilliwack-Kent Legislative Assembly, on behalf of the Honorable Nathan Cullen, Minister for Local Affairs and Minister responsible for Immigration

“This project means so much more than just replacing the aging infrastructure in Electoral H. It represents a commitment at all levels of government to improve the health of Cultus Lake. The new wastewater treatment plant is a cornerstone of the liquid waste management plan developed by the municipality. FVRD is grateful for this financial support to help realize this plan’s long-term vision of preserving fish habitat and recreational values ​​and protecting a sustainable resource.”

Jason Lum, Chairman of the Fraser Valley Regional District Board

“The Cultus Lake Stewardship Society is a network of over 60 organizations and individuals all interested in the future of Cultus Lake. Effective wastewater management will have a significant impact on cultural eutrophication and reduce the impact of man-made nitrogen and phosphorus entering the ecosystem. It is critical that we continue to work together to keep Cultus Lake balanced and protect aquatic species for generations to come.”

Christina Toth, Cultus Lake Aquatic Stewardship Society

Fast Facts

  • The Government of Canada is investing $5,453,700 in this project through the Green Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. The British Columbia government is contributing $4,544,296 through the Environmental Quality Program, a substream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, while the Regional District is providing $3,636,254.
  • Federal funding is conditional on meeting all requirements related to the consultation of indigenous groups.
  • The Investing in Canada infrastructure program provides over $33 billion for public infrastructure across Canada. Under this program, provinces and territories prioritize projects and submit them to Infrastructure Canada for funding approval. To date, the program has approved more than $20 billion for more than 4,500 community projects across the country.
  • Including today’s announcement, the Canadian government has invested more than $2.6 billion in 398 infrastructure projects in British Columbia under the Investing in Canada infrastructure program.
  • Through the Investing in Canada plan, the federal government is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and rural and northern communities in Canada.
  • Infrastructure Canada helps address complex challenges Canadians face every day – from the rapid growth of our cities to climate change to environmental threats to our water and land.

Related Links

Investing in Canada: Canada’s Long-Term Infrastructure Plan:

Green infrastructure stream:

Federal infrastructure investments in British Columbia: