Killer Mike Faces Backlash For Child Support Plan

Killer Mike, Hawks, Halftime, Martin Luther King Jr., Fly City

by Jeroslyn JoVonn

Killer Mike is under fire for his proposed plan to “empower” the black community by requiring young black fathers to attend vocational school and offering incentives for young parents to get married.

Killer Mike is under fire for his proposed plan to “empower” the black community by requiring young black fathers to attend trade school and offering incentives for young parents to get married.

The Grammy-winning rapper recently hosted controversial presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at his hair salon in Atlanta, where they had a candid dialogue about how to support the black community. Killer Mike, whose real name is Michael Render, believes that problems start in broken families and that things would be much better if young black fathers could spend the first two years of their children's lives going to school and forgoing child support.

The “Scientists and Engineers” rapper explained to Kennedy his two-year plan, which includes no debt for young black men who impregnate women and a requirement to attend business school and scholarships for those who choose to marry. Mike argues that incentives for young couples getting married would “strengthen the black community.”

“This is the two-year plan: the first two years are debt-free,” Mike said in a clip shared online. “You don't have to pay anything back so she doesn't have to drag him to court, and the court can say you owe us money to invest in food programs and head start programs for your child, because in those two years he has the opportunity to go to vocational school afterwards visit.”

“In my community, girls go to college and graduate. They don’t have men to marry because boys don’t go to college the same way,” he added.

But as the video made the rounds on social media, many began denouncing Mike's plan and questioning how it would help the black community as a whole.

“What if Homeboy impregnates multiple girls?? When he’s done he’ll have a PhD 😩😩😩😩,” one user asked.

“Lost me when he said, 'She can't get HIM to go to court.' So with his plan, for the first two years, the mother will be solely responsible for supporting the child?” someone else added.

Other users began using the clip to explain Mike's past support of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp over Democrat Stacey Abrams, whom he defeated twice in a row.

“Thank you to whoever resurfaced this dream killing speech from Michael Santiago Render aka Killer Mike,” one user wrote. “It says so much more about who he is, what he believes and why he supported Brian “King” Kemp over Stacey Abrams than most people know. I see him clearly.”

Thank you to whoever resurfaced this dream killing speech by Michael Santiago Render aka Killer Mike. It says so much more about who he is, what he believes, and why he supported Brian “King” Kemp over Stacey Abrams than most people know. I see him clearly…20/15 vision.

— Zackory Kirk (@zackoryk) February 20, 2024

Killer Mike is the latest rapper to support Kennedy's presidential campaign. He defended Ice Cube for posing for a photo with Kennedy last summer. The NWA rapper has expressed his support for Kennedy and his anti-vaxx stance.

Philadelphia rapper Beanie Sigel has also endorsed Kennedy and even appeared in a PSA for the independent presidential candidate. However, Killer Mike continues to face criticism over his relationship with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp.

He recently appeared on “The View,” where he got into a heated debate with Sunny Hostin after she questioned his “support for Kemp.”

“He's the governor of my state, I have to work with him, I can't get a divorce,” Mike said. “But let me say this: When you criticize someone, don’t lie.”

He continued. “Don’t say I wasn’t supportive [Stacey] Abrams because I did it. Don't say I don't support Democrats because I helped get three Democratic mayors and two state representatives elected, but if someone holds the royal seat, I won't have dinner with the king on their behalf, my people. I have to do this.”

However, social media disagrees with Mike's claims, pointing to the campaign he ran for Kemp.

What?? He was literally out there fighting for Brian Kemp, against Stacey Abrams, and telling black voters in Georgia not to vote for Stacey. No, YOU are lying, Killer Mike!!

– Here for YOU Comments 1 (@forthecomments1) February 12, 2024

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