Vanessa Simmons Explains Why She Decided to Get Liposuction

Vanessa Simmons Explains Why She Decided to Get Liposuction

After I had liposuction last year, Vanessa Simmons decided to start the new year by explaining what motivated her to go under the knife.

Speaking to The Shade Room, Simmons, 39, explained how much her body changed after giving birth and no matter how much she exercised or dieted, she didn’t get the results she wanted.

“I had my daughter eight years ago. And my body has changed a ton – probably more than I was prepared for, honestly,” she shared.

“Everyone seems to have the same online experience with the ‘snap-back’ body. And mine just didn’t come, even after eight or nine years. I’ve tried a few non-invasive things – I exercise. I am sometimes very strict with my diet. But I wanted to do something different. And I wanted to stop beating myself up and do something for myself without being afraid of what other people would think.”

That’s when Simmons decided to try Sono Bello’s TriSculpt micro-laser liposuction, a form of liposuction that hip-hop star Growing Up was comfortable with because it’s non-invasive.

“It’s the least invasive form of liposuction you can get,” she said. “They are extremely small incisions – I have about three. And I had liposuction done on my abdomen and waist area.”

“It’s an awake process that can sound scary to people – like it sounded to me. I cried before going into the procedure but when I came out I was really, really excited. And I didn’t feel anything while it was happening – nothing at all. I was laughing and joking with my doctor the whole time.”

The recovery process was extremely quick for Simmons, who says she was able to move “the next day.” She also says the procedure only took about 90 minutes.

“Obviously very carefully,” she remarked. “But I was able to get up and move within the first week.”