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Here are today’s letters from the Ottawa Sun to the editor.
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June 03, 2021 • 46 minutes ago • Read for 2 minutes • Join the conversation Vial with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Photo by ANDREAS SOLARO /AFP via Getty Images
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Subject: Health Canada Extends Expiration of Some Doses from Ontario AstraZeneca by One Month, Online Edition, May 29th
Everything old is new again!
Why bother with an expiration date on anything? If AstraZeneca vaccines don’t age, neither does food or over-the-counter drugs. This “best before date” must now mean “old, but won’t kill you”.
How long can consumers keep such items safely indoors? What about those aspirin pills two years after their expiration date? The found bottle of beer from summer 2019? That icy package of sausages in the back of the freezer? The government approved choice is ours. If wine can get better with age, why not other consumables?
Thank you Health Canada for your clarification on AstraZeneca. It has ruined my last bit of naive trust that remains in any government policy. So based on your medical advice, my pantry and medicine cabinet don’t need to be cleaned. Everything old is new again!
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(Best before, but enough after.)
Re: Longer shelf life for AZ recordings; Thousands of cans were due to expire on May 31st
You went too far, Justin Trudeau. I don’t eat old eggs and I don’t drink old milk. Because of your ineptitude as Prime Minister, you are now extending the expiration dates of a vaccine that you expect me to put inside my body. No chance. There is “new data” from Health Canada. Yes exactly. I trust or don’t believe you. I am waiting for a new batch.
(Public confidence is in free fall.)
Subject: Working on ID BC School Victims, May 30th
How do you explain the disappearance of 215 children and the discovery of their bodies on the school grounds, a place where indigenous children should be cared for and raised? Such non-Christian, cruel and unforgivable acts.
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Is this the tip of the iceberg where many others are hidden deep? Maybe not much longer. Knowledge and suffering must be difficult to accept and understand. What could children do to deserve such a terrible end to their short life? To change the lifestyle of so many people, to eventually destroy their existence and hope for a future.
Shame on the cold, callous, supposedly responsible carers of the nation’s youth. Will there be exhumations, investigations, or explanations as to why? Were they so embarrassing and shameful to our white society? Most think that these acts only take place in distant lands. Any society, no matter how educated or modern, is capable of such terrible acts.
Thank goodness we have recovered over the years to help rather than destroy. Not much comfort for those spirits in the ground. The next big step should be a collaborative effort to identify these people and how the end of their precious life came about.
How many more terrible surprises do I have to endure at 74?
(It’s horrific.)
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