Black-Owned Vegan Burger Model Lands $300,000 Funding on ‘Shark Tank’; Reached Six-Determine Revenues Inside 24 Hours

All legendary vegan burgers

Everything Legendary founders launched their vegan burger brand on season 12 of ABC’s hit TV show Shark Tank. Following a deal with Mark Cuban, Everything Legendary sold $ 250,000 burgers online within 24 hours of the episode aired.

“This is a vegan, flavorful move that we’re just starting out with. And we’re revolutionizing the entire industry, ”Duane“ Myko ”Cheers, co-founder of Everything Legendary, told Live Kindly. “I think our product is better. You heard it on Shark Tank. All five sharks agreed that this is the best plant-based burger they have ever had. “

Vegan burger brand on Shark Tank

(Photo credit: Instagram / Malisbusburger)

Duane “Myko” Cheers, Danita Claytor and Jumoke Jackson are the dream team behind Everything Legendary. The trio introduced Mark Cuban, Lori Grenier, Barbara Corcoran, Daymond John and Kevin O’Leary in the episode of Shark Tank on February 26th their plant-based business.

Everything legendary founders offered the Sharks in return for 10% of their business a $ 300,000 investment opportunity. They eventually landed a deal with billionaire Mark Cuban and walked away with an investment of $ 300,000 against 22% equity.

“This gives us the resources that will allow us to position our brand against any competitor that I know we will win by taste and quality,” said Cheers. “For me, this investment is extremely personal. It is a confirmation of my philosophy never to give up. I’ve heard “no” a million times over the years, but that “yes” moment changes everything. “

The inspiration behind the Vegan Burger brand

What is the inspiration for the vegan brand? Mothers! The founders wanted to address their mothers’ health needs and taste buds.

Everything Legendary specializes in plant-based, gluten-free and soy-free foods. Customers will also enjoy a combination of hemp protein, beet extract, potato starch, and coconut oil.

Mark Cuban’s endorsement of the brand has helped the Washington, DC-based company reach new customers in a short amount of time. The company currently ships products nationwide and has already cut shipping costs by increasing the number of patties per package.

“We all know that today’s consumers demand that their foods be nutritious and flavorful,” said Cheers. “Our brand delivers. It is approved by the mother. And now it’s sanctioned by sharks too. “

The company takes orders on the Everything Legendary official website. Attend the opening of Black Wealth Building & Real Estate Summit (A Virtual Experience) by Black Enterprise on April 22, 2021. Register here.