This abandoned Toronto house hasn’t been on the market since 1951

35 Via Italia Toronto

While homebuyers typically need a salary of at least $208,950 to purchase the average home in Toronto, not as much is required to purchase 35 Via Italia.

This three-bedroom, two-bathroom semi-detached house in Earlscourt is being offered for the first time since 1951 for just $640,000.

The big catch is that it almost looks like no one has lived there since 1951.

The backyard.

With boarded-up windows and a backyard overgrown with weeds, this place seems to have been abandoned for some time.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The dining room.

The interior also does not seem to be in the best condition.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The living room with an original fireplace.

Sure, the house has some original features like old hardwood floors, an original fireplace and stained glass windows.

35 Via Italia Toronto

Another view of the living room and dining room.

But the walls are showing significant signs of wear and tear and numerous further repairs and upgrades may be required to bring the house back to a habitable condition.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The kitchen.

The kitchen doesn't even have any appliances anymore.

35 Via Italia Toronto

Another view of the kitchen.

But as far as the room layout goes, it is a decent floor plan with good sized main rooms.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The master bedroom.

And the master bedroom seems to be a good size and has a nice big bay window.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The overgrown backyard.

If you were to completely gut it, you would likely face a hefty renovation bill that would potentially exceed $200,000.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The dining room.

While you may not need to make over $200,000 a year to put down the down payment on 35 Via Italia, you definitely need to make that much to afford this place.

35 Via Italia Toronto

The back of the house.

This just goes to show that even a comparatively “affordable” home in Toronto is not necessarily affordable in the literal sense.