Along with education, health, wellness and the environment are major concerns due to the many health disparities in Black America. Black America suffers from wide disparities in the disease and treatment of hypertension, diabetes, asthma and stroke. The higher rates have been attributed to a lack of medical training and access to medical care. In tribute to Ms. Shirley Chisholm, Park Walk America was launched as an information portal providing essential health, fitness, nutrition and background information from leading publications, websites and industry leaders such as Healthline, Everyday Health and WebMD. This important and valuable portal is continually updated with the latest available news and events affecting health, fitness, wellness and the environment. Park Walk America is being built as a national network of forward-thinking American cities seeking solutions to the many health disparities America faces.
Baltimore, Maryland was selected as a pilot city in a national network of Park Walk cities. Due to uncertain economy, Park Walk Baltimore (pdf) will open on Earth Day 2023. Park Walk Baltimore’s success is driven by the interests of the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. With American Express’ marketing model, you can reach people where they live, work, play and pray.
The goal is for businesses and organizations to work with us to ensure that every business and community promotes the Park Walk approach to their employees, their customers, their neighbors and their friends. The public sector will benefit by providing interventions that improve the quality of life of its residents and make better use of their facilities and resources. Companies can better serve their employees and communities by strengthening their social responsibility and developing a new sales channel. The nonprofit community may have marketing tools available to support the missions they serve, particularly community development.
Park Walk America Network platforms are similar to American Express Card Merchant Membership. Each business and organizational membership includes turnkey administration, business plan and links to Park Walk America’s website for local or national promotion. Each Park Walk America city will have a unique online shopping platform that will generate marketing funds from local and national advertisers. For consistency, online sales revenue is allocated to the host city. Local and national memberships are available for testing. Each Park Walk America membership has a sponsorship agreement to support their local parks.
Our Build It and They Will Come approach is strategic and timely given the heightened awareness people have now amid ongoing global concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing health inequalities in urban America. Companies that choose to participate by March 1, 2023 are eligible to receive special pricing for dual membership of Educate Black America and Park Walk America Network (pdf). Please contact for details
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