Canada Day: Activities interrupted by stormy weather

Canada Day: Activities interrupted by stormy weather

The Federal Department of Canadian Heritage suspended Canada Day activities in the capital due to severe weather on Saturday afternoon.

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However, the festival site at the LeBreton Flats reopened around 6:30 p.m., allowing the evening show to continue.

Activities across the river in Old Hull have been canceled “due to weather conditions”, according to an online post.

At about 7:30 a.m., Environment Canada issued another severe thunderstorm warning, but the warning was lifted at about 9:45 a.m.

Meanwhile, smog conditions continued to improve over wildfires in Ottawa, where a “special air quality declaration” from Environment Canada ended around 8 p.m. but a smog warning for Gatineau remained in effect.

“High concentrations of particulate matter from forest fires lead to poor air quality. These conditions may continue through Sunday,” Gatineau said in a statement.

The Air Quality Health Monitor for Ottawa as of Saturday night was 4, “moderate” on a scale of 10+, and Sunday was forecast to improve to levels 2 and 3 (“low risk”).

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