CBC News and Radio-Canada Info recertified by Reporters Without Borders’ Journalism Trust Initiative

CBC/Radio Canada logo (CNW Group/CBC/Radio-Canada)

JTI examines the transparency and editorial practices of a news service and makes compliance with these rules visible to users.

OTTAWA, ON, 19 September 2024 /CNW/ – CBC/Radio-Canada announced today that the national public broadcaster's news services have been recertified by the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI). In external audits conducted by the Alliance for Audited Media, both CBC News and Radio-Canada Info met JTI's certification requirements.

CBC/Radio Canada logo (CNW Group/CBC/Radio-Canada)

CBC/Radio Canada logo (CNW Group/CBC/Radio-Canada)

JTI audits a news service's transparency and editorial practices and makes its compliance visible to users. It was launched in 2018 by RSF and its partners to combat disinformation and promote trustworthy journalism. CBC/Radio-Canada's news services were the first Canadian broadcast media to receive JTI certification.

To achieve recertification, CBC/Radio-Canada assessed the practices and policies of its news services, including journalistic standards and practices, against the JTI standard. Each service then published a transparency report that was independently audited. In its assessments, the Alliance for Audited Media examined key areas such as accountability for journalistic principles, accuracy and responsibility for sources.

“As it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, standards such as Reporters Without Borders' Journalism Trust Initiative are paramount to identifying trustworthy and accurate news. CBC/Radio-Canada is proud to be among the news organizations recognized for their accuracy and professionalism.”

Catherine TaitPresident and CEO, CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada’s JTI certificates are available here:

The Winnipeg Free Press, France Télévisions, RTÉ News (Ireland) and SWI swissinfo.ch (a division of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation) are among other media outlets that are fully certified by the JTI. For more information, visit the Journalism Trust Initiative website.

About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster. Through our mission to inform, educate and entertain, we play a central role in strengthening Canadian culture. Canada's As a trusted news source, we provide a uniquely Canadian perspective on news, current affairs and world affairs. Our distinctive, homegrown entertainment programming draws viewers from across the country. CBC/Radio-Canada is deeply rooted in communities and offers diverse content in English, French and eight Indigenous languages. Through Radio Canada International (RCI), we also deliver content in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Punjabi and Tagalog, as well as both official languages. We are leading the change to meet the needs of Canadians in a digital world.

The story continues

Media contact:

Leon Mar
Director, Media Relations and Issues Management | Company Spokesperson

Source: CBC/Radio Canada



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