HMCS Halifax units sail on New Yr’s Day | Canada | Information

Mary MacAfee waves a Canadian flag as she watches HMCS Halifax leave on a six-month deployment as part of NATO's Operation Reassurance on Friday, January 1, 2021. MacAfee's son-in-law Petty Officer Phil Hudson is aboard the Halifax.

The HMCS Halifax with 252 on board left its port city and its namesake on Friday for a six-month assignment with the permanent NATO Maritime Group One in European waters.

Families waved from the shore as the ship pulled out of Halifax Harbor shortly after noon. Ordinarily, families would drop loved ones on the dock, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, they were spread out on the water from Bishop’s Landing to Point Pleasant Park.

For the next six months, HMCS Halifax will be supporting NATO’s Operation Reassurance, the second time HMCS Halifax has sailed on the mission.